Free Print and Play version available!
The GREAT DEBATE is a 500 card game for 3 - 20 players that pits two random players against each other each round as the other players serves as a Jury of Peers to select a winner of that debate. The two debaters will argue the same topic but will use an absurd reason to explain why such as Kissing Isn't Cheating because of Vikings.

The game’s premise is mischievously simple :
A single Topic is reveled and then each debater must explain either because of, such as, or like their absurd Reason.
Topic - Hot Dogs Are A Sandwich
Reason - Penguins
Is a Penguin a bird? Yes, because it meets the common definition of what is considered a bird. It has feathers, a beak, and lays eggs. Though they cannot fly, which is a common trait of a bird, penguins are still birds. The common definition of a sandwich is an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread, in this case a bun, with meat, the hotdog, cheese or other filling between them. Therefore, if a penguin is still a bird, a hotdog is a sandwich if it meets the definition even if it doesn’t appear to.
Debater and Peer - Cards
These cards are used to identify the number of players, round roles such as Jury of Peer, Debater 1, or Debater 2. The two debaters must make their argument using their Reason to explain the topic with Debater 1 always going first. The Jury of Peer players marked with an X then select which debater wins after each debater have present.
Topic- Cards
Topic cards serve as the prompt cards for the debaters. Only one Topic card is drawn each round. The debaters must make their creative and abstract argument using the same Topic supported but their individual reason cards. Topic cards are made up of nonsenses ideas, pop-culture references, social perspectives, random opinions, political ideals, basic educational knowledge, adult humor, science and technology, environmental concerns, and few pro and con religious Topics. Some Topics you may agree with and other topics may be against your own personal beliefs. Maybe you might need to explain that The Earth Is Flat or that Moist Is a Gross Word.
Reason - Cards
Two Reason cards are drawn each round with each debater receiving their own. The Reason cards are made up of groups of people, animals, places, food, adult humor, random thing, pop-culture, faux pas, and historic event. Each debater must explain why their Reason explains the Topic linking the two with Because of, Such As, or Like.
With 320 Reason cards and 160 Topic cards we ensured you can play 160 rounds in one sitting without the need to reshuffle either the Topic and Reason cards.