Evil Otter Games was created in 2020 with the simple idea to make social, mischievous, enjoyable, and highly re-playable games based on player participation to drive the gameplay. This idea ensures all of our games have unique gameplay, depending on with whom you play the game, guaranteeing a new game experience each time you play.


Our Story

Our Story, like so many others, started on a Dark and Stormy night. Actually, we can’t remember the weather on that certain day. Evil Otter Games is the brain child of Ryan Brown. His life goal is to leave this world better then he found it. He discovered his passion and talent was to create unique and entertaining games. His mission to add more fun into this world through his games.

Ryan found other social games to quickly become repetitive, as they rely on cards’ content to drive the gameplay. Ryan’s idea for a social gaming company was to utilize player participation to drive the gameplay to guarantee a new game experience each time you played. No longer would a game feel repetitive, regardless of with who you played. Each person who plays an Evil Otter Game will enhance the game play by bringing their personality and humor into the game.

Evil Otter Games